______________________________________________________________________________ Newsreaders: Setting up Trumpet Newsreader Q. How do I get Trumpet Newsreader? A. You can copy it from the developer's system, but that's often hard to get to, so we keep copies locally on halcyon: ftp://ftp.halcyon.com/pub/slip/news/ Copy both zip files: wtwsk10a.zip wtwsk10b.zip ...in binary mode to the same directory on your PC. Unzip 10a first, then 10b. You'll end up with the latest (beta) version of a great news reader that's easy to configure, understand, and use. If you like it and use it, send Trumpet Software International $40 and your thanks. Q. Okay, now that I have it, how do I set it up? A. Open the File | Setup... menu, and put the following information in the indicated fields. Substitute your login name for "mickey" below: News Host Name news.nwnexus.com Mail Host Name smtp.nwnexus.com E-Mail Address mickey@halcyon.com Full name Mickey J. Mouse Organization Northwest Nexus Inc. [or whatever you like] Signature file name [see Note 1 below] POP Host name mail.nwnexus.com POP Username mickey Password [your login password] Fetch Read-only [check the box] NNTP Username [leave this field blank] Password [leave this field blank] Time Zone PST [or your own time zone] Open the File | Network Setup... menu IP address [leave blank -- do NOT fill in] Time server Domain suffix halcyon.com Note 1: You can append postings with a signature of your choosing. Use Notepad or MS-DOS edit to create your signature; limit your signature to four lines. An example: ___________________________________________________________________________ Michael - Technical Support support@halcyon.com Northwest Nexus / halcyon.com http://www.halcyon.com Bellevue, Washington USA voice: 206.455.3505 If you're using Eudora, you can use the same signature file you use for Eudora. In this field, specify the full path name to the file: c:\data\mail\mjt\signature.pce Otherwise, specify the full path name to the signature you created with an editor. (18-Dec-94/newgasut/MJT) ______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1996 Northwest Nexus Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be reproduced nor redistributed in any form without express permission; contact us at support@nwnexus.net with questions.